In general, high-power carving machines can do things like low-power carving machines, but low-power carving machines cannot. High power carving machines are most suitable for meeting the needs of large-scale carving processes such as cutting, relief, and carving. In addition, carving machines can also be selected and classified based on different carving materials. Woodworking carving machine can bring us the main way of woodworking carving. It can adjust the relevant carving range according to the special material of wood, and can maximize the expression of its special craft carving effect.
And forStone carving machineSpeaking of which, it requires a higher mechanical power because of the limitations of the special material of stone. Only high power can meet the operational needs of the carving machine and provide us with smooth carving speed. This fundamentally demonstrates the innovative improvement of vector control technology in engraving machines. The innovation of various product technologies can bring us a wide range of applications and provide us with good carving effects, maximizing our level of carving technology needs.